Suicide bombing attack inside Israel thwarted

Suicide bombing attack inside Israel thwarted


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    A Tanzim operative, Ibraihim Hamed Salem Abu Zahu, was arrested in possession of a powerful explosive device weighing 10 Kg, at the Tubas checkpoint near Nablus. The explosive device was designated to be used for a suicide bombing attack inside Israel.

    Abu Zahu was arrested yesterday, September 9, 2004, following high intelligence alerts regarding Tanzim operatives from the region of Jenin and Nablus who were operating to carry out a suicide bombing attack inside Israel, by dispatching a person who would pass from Nablus into israel.

    On Wednesday, September 8, 2004, information was received regarding the intentions of the Tanzim infrastructure to transfer a bag laden with explosives from Nablus into Israel. On Thursday, September 9, 2004, following specific information, forces deployed in the area between Jenin and Nablus in order to arrest Abu Zahu, the Tanzim operative carrying the explosive bag.

    After IDF forces pursued Abu Zahu, a force identified a taxi attempting to bypass the Tubas checkpoint. As the forces stopped the taxi, a bag containing explosives and a battery were thrown out of the car. Suppers found a powerful explosive device within the bag, and detonated it in a controlled manner. In addition, the passengers of the taxi were questioned at the spot, among them Abu Zahu, the Tanzim operative who was involved in this attempted attack.